Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NH Teen, Zaps Nipples During Shop Class Sues School District

I'm sorry, but I posit that this kid had brain damage before he performed this little stunt. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to even think of doing something like this?

I'd like to know where the teacher was when this little stunt happened, but I don't think anyone needs to be sued over this.

It doesn't say if the kids plugged the cord into an electrical socket, but I imagine that that's what they did.

Seems like most people know, specially by the time they get to high school, that electrical cords are dangerous and if you plug them into the wall, you will get shocked. Why didn't the parents teach this basic life lesson to their kid?

NH Teen, Zaps Nipples During Shop Class Sues School District

I'm sorry, but I posit that this kid had brain damage before he performed this little stunt. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to even think of doing something like this?

I'd like to know where the teacher was when this little stunt happened, but I don't think anyone needs to be sued over this.

It doesn't say if the kids plugged the cord into an electrical socket, but I imagine that that's what they did.

Seems like most people know, specially by the time they get to high school, that electrical cords are dangerous and if you plug them into the wall, you will get shocked. Why didn't the parents teach this basic life lesson to their kid?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mr Smith Funny picture | Funny pix on ÜberPix.net

Religion: Which One Is The Most Believable?

There's something wrong with the logic in each of the squares, but I find this comic strip to be... amusing.

Packing your Bags for a Photo Shoot

I can attest that it's important to have a pen with you when you go on a photo shoot. I think that you can also add a tablet of some kind so you can make notes.

I wish I had a nice rig like this, and eventually I will. This past weekend I went on a photo shoot to a football game and packed just about everything that they outline in this article.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

31 Days of Youtube: Video 28 #blogathonatx

Eventhough I have not been posting them here, I have still been plugging away at my 31 days of youtube challenge. I recorded this episode at Blogathon ATX.

An apostrophe, is not one of those guys that hung out with Jesus. http://bit.ly/aVtLY4

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Definitely not Bender's robot.txt file

I was perusing the fredericiana.com blog looking for some info about a plugin when I came across a post with some geek humor. I like that you don't need to be particularly savvy to figure out the original joke.

The Bender I'm referring to is a robot on a TV show called "Futurama."

One of Bender's main programing functions is to: "Kill all humans." Which is why I said that this robots.txt file wasn't Bender's...

OK, nevermind, I think I just killed this joke.

The Most Isolated Man on the Planet

It almost sounds like a play on "the most interesting man in the world." I am, indeed fascinated by this story.


Because here's a guy that lives without a smart phone, no google, no car, no indoor plumbing, none of the things that most of us consider "essential." This guy has no need or use for money, probably never gets sick and lives as close to how our early ancestors lived when they first climbed down from the trees.

Ah, the calm and tranquility that only being disconnected from the wired/ wireless modern world can bring.

Friday, August 27, 2010

How To Create Viral Content

The reason I like this article, is that not only does the writer tell you what to do, he shows you samples of how to do it right and how not to do it. The main reason I dislike this post, is that you can't really create viral content.

Content goes viral, or it does not.

You can do things to help content go viral, but you can't just "create" viral content. Why do I say it like that? Because you don't make content go viral, your readers/ fans/ subscribers make your content go viral by sharing it.

Live to ride, ride to live baby...Scooter POWER !!

This just cracked me up.

How To Make A Rocket Engine Out Of Paper

This is a pretty cool little project. I can totally see my son doing this.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Retired Stalker: Facebook Making Gen Y Stalkers Lazy

This is a work of fiction, but I agree with the author that the threats are real. I don't think that Facebook places is a good idea at all.

Letting everyone know where you are all the time is just plain stupid. What are y'alls thoughts?

3 Colombian Teens on Facebook 'Hit List' Killed

Yikes! Everyone on the list was, or had been given 3 days to get out of town or face execution.

Parents who have kids on the list have started to send their kids out of town, in compliance with the terms.

I wonder if people will protest against Facebook opening an office in their neighborhood since terrorists are using Facebook. I'm pretty sure that something like this is against the Facebook Terms Of Service.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Must Have Photography Accessories Under $25*

There are 15 total listed on the original site. Some of these items I had no idea were so cheap. Others, I wish I had had the last time I went out to take pictures.

It's really cool to think that I can have some great accessories for cheap.

1998 BAE Sea Harrier For Sale On eBay

Seriously, for $1,000,000 you can buy yourself a used Sea Harrier on eBay.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Houses Made From Airplanes

The aviation geek within me loves the idea, but the practical person in me questions the execution of this idea. I'd love to convert an old jetliner into a vacation home or something like that. I don't know that it would be a practical "live in all the time" home.

Although, $30k for a house isn't too bad.

DEA Seeks People To Translate Ebonics

This scene comes to mind.

It Will Take Months To Rescue 33 Miners Trapped In Chile

The claustrophobic part of me freaks out just reading about this. I imagine that they're in a dark, dank place, not particularly comfortable and probably very smelly.

It's not like they can go out to use the rest room.

They're estimating it will take about 4 months to drill a hole big enough to bring these miners out to the surface. I hope that's a conservative estimate and it doesn't really take that long.

I know I wouldn't make it trapped underground for 4 months.

Florida News: Church Vows To Burn Copies Of The Quran

In another demonstration of their incredible powers of stupidity, a Florida based church wants to burn copies of the Quran, or Koran, or however you spell it. Why do they want to burn islam's holy book? To commemorate the anniversary of September 11.

I feel that there are better ways to commemorate that anniversary. I don't think it's appropriate to burn books, it's just a little too middle ages for my taste.

Besides, look at the picture below and tell me the look on the face of the guy with the sign that reads "stop systemized provocation of muslims!" isn't just adorable.

Florida, the state that gave us the Wheelie King, is trying to retake the lead from Arizona in the race to the bottom of the intelligence barrel.

Burning books is alive and well in the 21st century, thanks to Florida.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Iran's Ambassador Of Death

I don't know what to make of this device. Apparently, it's a defensive and deterrent weapon, but Ahmadinejad said that the unmanned aircraft was an:

"Ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, [that] has a main message of peace and friendship."

In other words, "you're either with us, or you're against us, and if you're against us, we're gonna killya." Didn't W say something like that at one point in time?

Anyway, they didn't release any specs on the craft, so as far as I know, it'll only work against people that have no radio signal jamming capabilities and no anti-aircraft capabilities either.

Friday, August 20, 2010

YouTube Stars That Make More Than $100k A Year

Obviously, I say take all these numbers with a grain of salt, since they are only estimates. Even if the actual numbers were only half as much as estimated, it's still not a bad living.

Now I really know that I'm in the wrong business. I think I have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up. Good thing too, since I turn 40 this December.

OMG, I turn 40 in December.

Show Me Your Immigration Papers

I wonder what kind, if any, of proof of immigration status this lovely couple presented. Oh wait, I forgot, they're rednecks not brown skinned, so they don't have to present immigration papers.

The fugitives are said to be "Fiance-cousins" or some such lovely thing. Whence me calling them "rednecks."

Oil In The Gulf: There's A Lot More Than We Thought

I like to think that anything that Tony Hayward says is wrong. It's wrong because he's clueless, or it's wrong because he's lying. Either way, if Hayward said it, it's wrong.

Back when the well exploded, on Earth Day nonetheless, I don't think that anyone could have foretold that the well would spew oil into the ocean for 4 months. I think we all thought that there were expensive and state of the art safeguards in place to keep oil from just spewing into the ocean.

No way anyone thought that oil would flow unfettered into the ocean for as long as it did.

Indeed, there were safeguards, it's just that BP ignored them, or had a government issued waiver to ignore them.

Ultimately, a company like BP, or any other company for that matter, is in the business of making money. BP makes money by cheaply extracting as much oil from the ground as possible, processing it and then selling that oil for as much profit as possible. The environment be damned.

My question is this: Now what?

What do we do now? Are we just supposed to go on about our day like nothing happened? Are we supposed to ignore the 22 mile long plume of oil 3000 feet beneath the surface?

Chances are, we will go on with our lives as if nothing happened in the gulf. Except that I have that stupid Blue Sky Mine song by Midnight Oil stuck in my head.

31 Days Of YouTube: video 18

I'm not posting all of the videos to here, but I did want to share this one with y'all. What do you think about the new BlackBerry Torch?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The More I Study Religions...

Do you agree or disagree?

What Do Pro Athletes Earn?

I'd like to see what people like Usain Bolt or Lance Armstrong earn also. Not so much out of jealously, but rather to flog myself for not being more dedicated to sports back when I had the chance.

I'm not even going to think about what some charities could do with half of these athlete's salary. I wonder if they realize how lucky they are to earn what they earn for doing what they do.

There are a few other leagues missing from my clip. Go to the source to find out what players in the WNBA and in Major League Soccer earn.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Great Recipe For Chilaquiles

This is a really great recipe for chilaquiles. It looks delicious. Yes, it's in Spanish, but all you have to do is run it through Google Translate and badao.

Thanks to @cmdelcid for the heads up to this recipe.

31 Days of Youtube: Video 17

I'm shooting 31 days of video. I'm on day 17.

10 Crazy Business Ideas That Actually Worked

I love this article. I think the funniest one on here is: FARMVILLE!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How To Add A Tweet Button To Your Blog

This is a great tutorial from Jeremy. I clipped it just before the code to encourage you to visit his site and follow the tutorial there. Sorry if that's too cheeky, but he has other really good info on his blog that I think you might enjoy.

I'll put together a video tutorial for this if y'all want me to, just leave me a note in the comments.

How to Make Justin Bieber Sound Incredible: Slow Him Down 800 Percent

It does sound awesome, I kid you not.

Dried-Out Lake Used as Massive White Balance for Satellites

Muslim Leaders To Abandon "Ground Zero Community Center"

If this is true, it's really sad. Not because I sympathize with terrorists, or support them. It's sad because America was founded on the idea of religious freedom.

These people, whether we like it or not, have the constitutionally protected right to build their mosque there. The fact that they now may change their minds, due to the bigotry of a few hypocrites is only a victory for intolerance and hate.

The people that brought down the towers, all conspiracy theories aside, were extremist terrorists. Not all muslims agree with them, nor should all muslims be condemned for the actions of a few.

Every religion has people that corrupt God's message and use it for hate. How long until they start singling out your religion?

Package with cow tongue halts commuter trains

Looks like someone was watching "The Devil's Advocate." Remember that scene? Keanu Reeves is down in the basement and that dude is putting nails in the cow tongue in some kind of weird ritual against the prosecuting attorney?

Someone watched that, got the idea, executed on it and then left the cow tongue on the metrorail train tracks. Out of what I can only call "an abundance of caution" the police and capmetro stopped all the commuter trains while they sorted out what was going on.

Welcome to Austin!

Monday, August 16, 2010

China Overtakes Japan as World's Second-Biggest Economy - Bloomberg

Couple Stoned To Death In Afghanistan

The group formerly known as the "Moujahadin" or what Reagan used to call the "Freedom Fighters" but now known as the Taliban sentenced this couple to death by stoning.

The now evil and hated Taliban, used to be called "Freedom Fighters" in the 80s. You may remember them from the whole Iran-Contra thing. Or perhaps from their previous war against the Russians when Russia invaded Afghanistan back in the day.

They beat the Russians back then with what amounted to rocks and sticks, just like they are beating us right now.

Tips For Setting Photography Prices

There are 3 more tips on the original site, but these 3 are the ones that spoke to me. This is good to know now that I'm ramping up my video production company.

It's All About The Benjamins

This article is a really great read. I'd never heard the concept of "minimum monthly expenses" described as a "nut" before.

The situation described below, is pretty much me right now.

Yes, I'm "opening the kimono," being transparent, authentic or however else you want to describe what I'm doing. Yes, it's scary as all get out.

The point is, until I read this, I didn't have the words to express what I'm going through. I really don't know what's making me express this right now, on such a public medium.

Maybe I'm taking off my mask.

Maybe I'm just tired of living paycheck to paycheck.

Maybe I'm just crazy for sharing.

In actuality, I feel a certain sense of relief in writing this. Now, I can stop worrying about people finding out I'm broke, and start making myself "un-broke." Now, I feel like I can concentrate on fixing what's broken, rather than simply trying to hide it.

What Does Your Twitter Avatar And Background Say About You?

I really enjoyed this post. I struggled for a bit with my avatar and background until I settled on what I have now. I'm still not happy with either of them, but they'll do.

I wish she had gotten into a little more detail about how to create a custom twitter background. Alas, that's a post I'll have to make I guess.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Eight spectators killed in California race

This is sad. If you've ever seen footage from these races, you've seen how close these trucks come to the spectators when going around turns. I think it's a miracle that accidents like this don't happen more often.

My brand new sports blog features more sports news, with a focus on Texas sports news.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sen. Reid, A True Immigration Hypocrite

Politicians, at time, make me sick to my stomach. Other times, it's much worse. Harry Reid is definitely a hypocrite when it comes to his stance on immigration issues.

First of all, I object to the assertion that all Hispanics share the same position on illegal immigration. We don't.

Secondly, Sen. Reid seems to have forgotten all about his previous stance on immigration. Seems like he's trying to pander to a specific ethnic group in order to win their votes. I'm just having a hard time figuring out what group he's trying to pander to.

Third, I love the conclusion that the author comes to. I love how she says that it only took "47 years of marriage and two decades in the senate for Reid to talk to his wife and his constituents". Nice.

I have a lot more Latino news items over at TheLatinoPodcast.com.

Ump's ordeal shows sad state of sports

I like this article for what it says. I think we guys always like to call out other men by some kind of derogatory name because it's the "guy thing" to do. I will absolutely be more aware of how I address other people from here out.

Friday, August 13, 2010

5 Things That Can’t Be Copyrighted

Had a recent discussion with some folks on here about copyrights and fair use and whatnot. In any case, plagiarismtoday.com is, in my opinion, one of the best and most informative sites that deal with copyrights.

New Boss, Same As The Old Boss

I love this article. Mostly because it shines the light of the truth onto Hugo Chavez. I love that they called out that Chavez wants to "run the economy for his personal political benefit" and that they're also calling Chavez out on his love and support of the FARC.

I'm happy that Colombia has begun to pull itself out from the doldrums that they were in before Uribe came to power. I can see Brazil and Colombia becoming economic power houses while Venezuela, getting ransacked by the chavistas, flails in the wind.

Oracle Sues Google Over Java

You're not doing it right unless someone sues you, I guess.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Swede faces world-record $1m speeding penalty

Almost sounds like a soundbite from Space balls.

Driver: $1 million for speeding? That's unfair.
Judge: Unfair to the payor, but not to the payee, and you're going to pay it, or else.

8 Tips On How to Photograph Sports

These are from Digital Photography School, one of the best sites for learning about photography. Every time I read something from DPS I learn something, or learn to look at something in a different light. No pun intended.

SXSWi Panel: Write a Book? Surely, You Can't Be Serious?

Guys, this is my panel for SXSWi. It was my first submission ever. I'd appreciate votes and/or feedback.

Rafael Marquez at SXSWi

Android's global sales pass Apple's

This is one of this "wooptie doo" type of things. There are more manufacturers selling Android devices, so it makes sense that the bigger number of manufacturers, the larger the diversity of devices, at different price points, ergo more sales.

Highest Glass Floor Of The World

It's on the 103rd floor of the Sears Tower. Although, the building is not called the "Sears Tower" anymore, it has some other lame name. I'd love to go check this out.

Mudhole Water Skiiing

This is an outtake from an episode of "Bert The Conqueror." I don't think that this is the recommended usage for this machine.

Am I crazy for thinking this looks like a lot of fun?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Most Overused Buzzwords and Marketing Speak in Press Releases | Adam Sherk

I'm glad to see "paradigm shift" is moving down the list.

How to NOT do SEO

I love the comment that this isn't even black hat, it's ass hat.

Internet Kill-Switch Debate

This whole thing just has bad news written all over it. Why does the fed need an internet kill switch? My inner Alex Jones is going crazy over the idea of a kill switch.

Best Wedding Reception... Evar

Can you imagine this party?

Castro On The Podium Again

This is the kind of devotion that Chay-vez is looking for. Chavez wants to turn Venezuela into the Cuba of South America. He's already well on his way.

The Real Reason You're Broke

I don't disagree that people spend too much money on their car, but I disagree that this is the real reason people are broke. I don't have a car payment, and I'm broke, so I'm either an exception to the rule or the rule is not true.

Back when I was a car salesman, I can tell you that a lot of people came in upside down on their trades (owe more on the loan than the car is worth) and would want to trade just because of that. The car was in good condition, they were just "tired" of it, knew they were upside down and wanted to trade to a flashier model.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dostoevsky On The Moscow Subway

I know the scenes they are talking about in the podcast. I can tell you, that I'd love to go see this subway station.

I posted the audio on my blog Rafael Marquez Online, but of course you can always just click through to the NPR page as well.

No More Cussing At Work

In light of the recent incident with the JetBlue flight attendant, I don't think that I could do my work if I couldn't somehow vent. I think I would just close the door to my office so my office mates couldn't hear me.

It's not that I cuss like a sailor or anything like that, just occasionally, I feel the need to bust out and "son of a motherless goat" doesn't always cut it.

New York Is A Tech Backwater

Foursquare recently moved from Austin to New York City for some reason or another. I don't know if, or think, that they saw this article before moving there.

I wonder, if they had seen this article, would they still have moved?

I'd also like to see how Austin compares to both New York and Silicon Valley in terms of startup funding etc. I know it dried out for a bit right after the bubble burst, but I've heard that VC investing is starting to pick up again.

Flight Attendant Curses Passenger Escapes Using Emergency Slide

This is funny, to a certain degree. I love that the guy grabbed 2 beers on his way out. I loved that he had the gumption to first curse out the passenger that wouldn't apologize for hitting him on the head with a bag over the plane's PA.

Sometimes, I think that enough is enough.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Puberty strikes 7-year-old girls

This really bothers me. I think that all of the hormones and other junk that goes into our food is to blame for this. You can't tell me that all those growth hormones that they give cows and chickens have nothing to do with this phenomenon.

In a different part of the article, they say that back in the 1700s girls didn't start menstruating until they were 17-18 years old. They speculate that back then the reason for the late menstruation was due to malnutrition. Now that food is plentiful, girls are entering puberty at a younger age.

I don't think that an abundance of food is to blame.

I think that all the hormones and all the other crap that they put in our food is to blame. I have a 6 year old daughter and now I'm worried about her menstruating when she's 7 or 8, instead of 10-12.

I know the inevitable is coming, but I want my little girl to be a little girl for as long as is natural. I don't want her to go through puberty at an early age because of the food that I'm feeding her. I can't very well start growing my own food.

Top 10 SEO Blogs by Subscribers

This is a list published by Lee Oden over on his Top Rank site. The interesting thing, is that some of my favorites aren't on there. The biggest site missing, is seobook.com. The reason, apparently, is that SEObook doesn't publish their feedburner numbers or something like that.

Ironically, I do not subscribe to any of these blogs. I only read them when I catch something on twitter that grabs my attention and makes me want to click. I was subscribed, via email, to marketingpilgrim, but I unsubscribed when I discovered I didn't want to read everything they posted.

I was surprised to see hubspot on the list. Given how much content those guys put out, I actually would've been more surprised had they not been on the list.

Naked rollercoaster 'record broken'

It was a fund raising event to help a local hospital in England buy a new mammogram machine. The BBC has a video from the event, and unless you work at Dell or someplace like that, the video is safe for work.

Can you imagine doing something similar to that here in the states? I bet we could get more than 102 people to ride a roller coaster nekkid, what I doubt is that we'll find a venue that will let the event take place.

10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

I don't think that the most important activity anyone does on Facebook is to update their status. To me, the most important activity is cyber stalk... I mean, keeping up with old and new friends :-).

Having said that, I can see that scheduling status updates can be something useful.

I like the free tools below, because well, I'm cheap like that. On thecopypasteblog, they have a step by step break down of how to schedule your status updates using the various tools. Here are the 10 tools:

1. Tweedeck
2. Hootsuite
3. CoTweet
4. Su.pr
5. Social Tomorrow
6. Later Bro
7. Sendible
8. Social Oomph (formerly known as tweetlater)
9. Schedule Facebook updates via email
10. Selective Tweets Facebook Application

I've used the scheduling features of Hootsuite and love it.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Embraer Steals The Show At Farnborough 10

I've written about Embraer becoming a player in the global aviation market over on my aviation news site. By contrast Bombardier, a Canadian company that competes with Embraer in the same market segment, got 0 orders for their new C-Series jet at Farnborough.

It's good to see other people realizing what I've known for a while now. Oba, Oba, Brasil!

Actress Is Identified in Hewlett-Packard Scandal

There's something not quite right with this story. Am I the only one that thinks there's more to this than what we're being told?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Body Scan Images From Security Checkpoints Were Saved By Feds

Our government at work. One idiot tries to blow up his crotch and now we all have to be subjected to this invasive search. This is bull.

Ben Franklin said:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

These full body scanners are a horrible, horrible idea and they are utterly and completely useless.

Hall of Fame inductees reflect on honor

There were other people inducted today, I only posted these 2 since I talked about them the other day.

Oregon girl not bitter after lemonade flap

Not sure how I feel about this. Food safety rules are in place for a reason, right?

Why Emmitt Smith's Record Will endure

I was always partial to Emmitt Smith back in the day. Not only because he was a Cowboy, but because he seemed to always stay on the right path. unlike the other Cowboys of the late 90s, Emmitt was never associated with hookers, cocaine or anything negative and I always respected that about him.

I also enjoyed his performance on Dancing With The Stars too. I guess the fancy footwork on the field translates well to the dance floor.

I'm working on getting more content for my Texas sports blog and I'm open to suggestions as far as what to populate that site with. Thanks!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Despite Rhetoric, Illegal Immigration Provides Benefits to States

I found a reference to the study by the Texas Comptroller's office that outlined the economic benefits that the State of Texas reaps from illegal immigrants.

Have y'all seen any similar studies from other states?

Do Demographic Changes Influence Anti-Illegal Immigration Measures?

This article raises an interesting question. How much of the anti-immigration measures and sentiment around the country is being fueled by demographic changes in local communities?

I had not thought about that at all.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jury convicts Sypher of extortion

I dunno, but I would've been tempted to pay up just to keep the tryst quiet. I mean, 15 seconds?

Mexicana Airlines Suspends Ticket Sales

I'm not sure how not selling tickets is going to help with the bankruptcy proceedings, but then again, I'm not a bankruptcy expert.

What I do know, is that they sure do lease a large percentage of their 61 aircraft fleet. Depending on how those lease agreements are structured, they may come out of bankruptcy a much, much smaller airline than they were when they went in.

Nolan Ryan Buys The Texas Rangers

I couldn't think of anything really catchy and short. I was thinking "Former Astros Buys The Rangers" but then I thought that doesn't make any kind of sense, so I changed my mind.

In any case, it looks like Ryan and his partners will come up with a total of $593 million. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Rangers sign Alex Rodriguez to a contract worth $250 million? How were they planning on paying that when they were practically broke?

Add the Rangers to the list of companies and organizations that George W. Bush had a hand in managing that have gone bankrupt.

Note: This post is also on my Texas Sports blog

Perpetual Traffic Formula Review

This is a review of the most recent frauduct, I mean product, from Ryan Deiss. After months, if not years, of claiming that SEO and free traffic sucks and that there's no such thing as free traffic etc. now he's claiming that there is such a thing as free traffic and that SEO doesn't suck. He has the "secret" key and it'll only cost you $1997 to get it.


The Politics of Scapegoating

This is a really cool article. I like that he addresses the scapegoating issue, but I don't like that he didn't take it to the next step.

To me, the next step would be to explore who stands to make money from this whole thing. He could've examined which extreme right/ neo nazi groups are financing politicians that will likely gain political favor with a portion of the electorate.

I would also have liked him to address how the racialized minorities could or should take political action and flex their political muscles as well.

Going Vertical

This is an F-22 Raptor and an F-15 Eagle going vertical. I wanted to post this to remind you that I'm a huge airplane nerd, lest my recent political rants make you forget.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Idiot Cheats At Bass Fishing Tournament

I'm happy this guy got caught cheating. I can almost hear Cartman saying that if you get caught all you have to do is apologize and say "I misinterpreted the rules."

I'm also happy that this cheater's name was "Mike Hart" and not Mustaffah or Juan or something like that.

Can you imagine?

I can hear Newt Gingrich talking smack about how foreigners come here to cheat and to take advantage of the system and whatnot. I bet not a single one of the conservative pundits say a word about this.

World Cup Pictures

These are cool pictures from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. The Boston Globe always has good pictures from various events, and these pictures do not disappoint.

Mexicana Airlines Files For Bankruptcy

31 Days of Youtube: Video #3

McCain Shows His True Xenophobic Colors

I knew this guy was trouble. When he picked the bimbecile Palin to be his running mate, that was just boneheaded and stupid, but now we have this. He wants to take rights away from US citizens.

What the h.e. double hockey sticks is wrong with these people?

Taking Photos In Public Places Is Not A Crime

This is great news for us wandering iPhotographers, and the rest of us that walk around with a camera on us at all times.

Defending the Fourteenth Amendment

There has to be something seriously wrong with you and your cognitive abilities if you think repealing or modifying the 14th amendment will do anything to stymie illegal immigration.

No Rules Wild Swimming

I call this "off road swimming" instead of "wild swimming." The official name, or rather the name that swimmers use to describe this type of swimming is "open water" swimming. Given a choice, I'd go off road and swim in a river before swimming in a pool.

Of course, some rivers aren't meant for swimming because they are too polluted, and others have current that's too fast or aren't deep enough, but that's a whole other story.

Here in Austin, we have several places that you can go to experience open water swimming. There's Barton Creek pool, but there are also lots of swimming beaches out on Lake Travis, and if you're really into it you can even race in an open water race.

One of my favorite open water races happens in Town Lake every spring and it's called the "Cap2k." It's 2000 meters in Town Lake, from Red Bud island to the Texas Rowing Dock. It's an awesome race and it's "downhill" meaning that you're swimming with the current and not against it.

There are a whole lot of other open water races, check out the ASA's website for more information on how to particiapte.

Point being, if you have the chance, I recommend you check out those swim races and join the "off road" swimming club.

Breastfeeding Law?

I think that breastfeeding is a good idea. As a man, I have no personal experience with the time commitment etc. that it takes to breastfeed.

My personal experience is limited to making sure that all the necessary accoutrements for gathering, storage and preservation of breast milk are present. The other thing I can say is that both my kids were breastfed and they have, so far, both been really healthy.

I know they didn't get as many infections as formula fed kids, but I can't sit here and say empirically that it was due to them being breastfed. I disagree that there should be a "law" but I do think it should be "strongly encouraged" whenever it's possible.

Angry Bristol car owner jailed for grabbing helicopter

I'd be angry if a helicopter blew some "debris" into my Range Rover too, but I doubt that I'd go running after it as it took off. I think jail is a tad harsh, anger management definitely, but a year in jail seems a tad much to me. \

N'est pas?

Monday, August 2, 2010

31 Days of Video - Video #2

Five ways to ruin your website

I like what he says about subscriptions. 6 years ago, when I created my first website, I wanted people to subscribe to cut out comment spam. Fortunately, I figured out other ways to cull spam and keep comments.

The rest of the items, in the list pretty much outline how big sites like MSN, Bing, Yahoo, ABC, Mashable etc. handle their pages. I don't think that those big sites are going to change, ever. I really disagree with his comments on links that open in new windows. In any case, the article is still a decent read.

Media Companies Try Getting Social With Tumblr

What's the big deal with tumblr? I just started using it, but I'm just not digging it.

Good Solid SEO Advice

This is some really good, solid and free SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization advice.