Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted

This is a really interesting article about activism in the age of social media. I like how the author concludes that most activism that happens on social media is of the "weak link" variety.

I agree that people tend to do what takes the smallest amount of effort, like adding a twibbon to their avatar, rather than making a physical commitment to attend an event or make a substantial financial contribution.

Google Blacklists Word From Google Instant

This is interesting. Most of the words are borderline, if not totally, inappropriate. It's interesting to see what the big G considers to be bad enough to ban them from the instant search results.

Check out the source for a more thorough list.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fact Checking The Replublicans "Pledge" To America

Didn't Newt Gingrich come up with a "contract" before? Why go with a "pledge" now instead of a "contract?" Is it a matter of wavering commitment?

Make sure you read the rest of the report either on Fox business or on

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Japan Frees Chinese Fishing Boat Captain

China is demanding a full apology, of course, and the Japanese are declining to apologize. I think the line about the "importance" of the diplomatic ties between China and Japan really means "we need the Chinese rare earth minerals."

In case you're wondering about what I mean, the Chinese panda throwing its weight around.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Vinegar Proven To Destroy Fat

Believe me when I say that I will conduct my own experiment with this. Well, I shouldn't say it's an experiment since I'll have no control group and I'll be the only person partaking. I guess I should say that I'm going to give this a try.

I'll let y'all know how it all turns out.

Worst Celebrity Business Owners

The original list has 10 people on it. I thought it was an interesting read, so I figured I'd share it. The Lenny Dykstra part was surprising to me, but the Paris Hilton part was not.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chinese Panda Throws Its Weight Around

The original title of the article is "China holds the Prius hostage." Apparently, Japan needs chingos of rare earth minerals to make the Prius. China has chingos of rare earth minerals and they're not selling any of it to Japan in retaliation.

It's a 21st century throw down. I can only imagine what the throw downs will look like in the near future when we're out of drinking water.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Funny Headlines From Fark

I think my favorites are the one about Kate Gosselin and the one about Liberace. All of these are hilarious though.

Be aware, if you click on the links, you'll go to Fark. You've been farking warned.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Gotta love analogies like this. On a more serious note, I'm not sure if I agree with Anssi or not.

I see his point about the OS. Just look at the PC industry for a parallel. It doesn't matter if your PC is made by Dell or HP, you get the same OS and so the hardware, to a certain point, is irrelevant.

The point where I separate from Anssi, is on the "what do consumers want?" point. If consumers want Android OS devices, then that's what they'll get. As a manufacturer, that wants to stay in business, I say it behooves Anssi (and Nokia) to deliver what the consumer wants to buy.

I read an article a while back that said that Nokia makes a phone every 13 seconds. The article also said that Nokia got their start making and selling car tires. I'm pretty sure Nokia can adapt to the market, if they need to.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rural Africans And Biogas For Home Use

This is actually a pretty cool idea. I only recently discovered this blog and I've already fallen in love with it. The blog's tag line says it all: "Solving everyday problems with African ingenuity."

The particular problem I've highlighted here, is about getting clean fuel to your home for cooking. Apparently, there are huge amounts of cow dung available in Africa that people can convert into clean burning methane gas.

Talk about killing several birds with one stone. They get clean burning fuel, get rid of dung, plus stop chopping down trees for firewood all in one fell swoop.

I think that there are parts of South America where some of this same ingenuity can be applied, or even better, I'm sure there are some South American fixes to problems that the Africans haven't figured out, yet.

Someone should invent a tool that lets people communicate instantaneously. Something like a worldwide web of computers interconnected with each other so people can share ideas across oceans and communicate.

Wouldn't that be great?

Jeeves' Top 10 Questions Without An Answer

Ironically, I think that 42 could probably answer just about any of these questions.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Whatever happened to Ellen Feiss? Is she still a student?

Brazil's Wacky Elections

I know very little about Brazilian politics. It'd be interesting to see a ploy like what this clown is doing here in the states.

Can you imagine? Some dude dressed as a clown, although he happens to be a professional clown, running for the house of representatives here? If he were to win, his opponent in the next election could legitimately say "get the clown out!"

OK, I'm having too much fun with this as it is.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The BBC Wants Your Pictures

I think this is a cool little promo these folks have going on. Coincidentally, I have several "school" type events to go to, so I'll be sending in a couple of pictures.

I'll let y'all know if any of them get picked.

Project Husband, aka "Muriel's Wedding" IRL

For you non web-a-holics out there, "IRL" means "In Real Life."

Seriously, this sounds a lot like that Australian movie "Muriel's Wedding." The premise of that movie, much like this lady's deal, is essentially this: Muriel wants to get married, no matter what the circumstances and no matter to whom.

I'm not saying that this lady has the same intentions as Muriel, but in my opinion, it really puts a hamper on things like dating when you know that you have a wedding coming up.

Is this just a case of someone that has taken the fraudulent "law" of attraction to its Nth level, or is it something else entirely?

I wish her the best, seriously, I do. I'll be paying attention on Feb 15 to see if she does indeed get married to someone else or just pulls a Dennis Rodman type of stunt.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tea Party Wins Big

I'll admit, I know nothing about this lady. Apparently, not many other people do either. Her claim to fame, comes from being the candidate that Sarah Palin backed in this race.

The "Tea Party" in general reminds me of a line from that movie "Men in Black." It's the scene where Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) and Agent J (Will Smith) are sitting on the park bench just after K tells J that he has to make the choice to join the MIB.

Agent K says something like: "A person is the most intelligent, sensible and rational human being possible. "People" are stupid." Or something like that anyway.

The rise of the Tea Party reminds me of another quote: "dark times, they are a comin."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Everytime I hear something about creationism vs. evolution I want to tear my hair out

Communist Cuba Opts For Capitalism To Boost Economy

I find this to be quite amusing. While Chavez and other idiots are trying to hail Cuba as the model of a socialist/ communist economy that they want to copy, the Cubans are trying to embrace capitalist principles.

Raul and Fidel are wanting to reduce the role of the national government in the economy, they also want to encourage entreprenuership, encourage people to borrow money to raise capital for their businesses, they want micro-industries to hire employees etc.

Dunno about you, but to me, it almost sounds like Raul and Fidel are closet Republicans. I don't think I mean that in a bad way either.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tennessee Vols Coach Fined $2 Million

Am I the only one that hears Eric Cartman in Pearl's response? The guy was cheating, he was caught cheating, and now he's busting out with the Cartman response.

I made a mistake, I misinterpreted the rules

Every so often, Southpark hits some serious social issues right on the head.

From my Texas sports blog.

Friday, September 10, 2010

New Bike Lane Graphics

I like these.

Terry Jones Backs Down From "Burn A Koran Day"

This is the kind of thing that just makes you sick. This guy is totally within his legal right to go on with his little book burning event, but has decided not to go through with it.

I'm thinking of calling him a "media whore" or maybe a "wimp" or some other word that calls his testicular fortitude into question, but I won't. I think this guy really just choked under the pressure of intense media scrutiny.

Just like it's within his rights to carry on with the event, he's also within his rights to cancel, or suspend, or whatever it.

Terry, canceling this event may have been the right thing to do. However, I feel that you just proved that we have a yellow belly. Once you kill the pig you gotta eat the bacon.

Amazing Race Video

I love how she says "They don't call it 'The Amazing Race' for nothing." That's just all kinds of awesome.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cool Steampunk Computers

I like these peripherals and computers. These all look like custom jobs, rather than something you'd buy off the shelf.

About the only one that I feel like I could reproduce, is the Mac Mini in the tin can. I think I can effectively reproduce that one. All I need, is a Mac Mini.

Overpriced Things We Buy

This list starts off strong, but then ends in a wimper. The original site has 6 things on the list, the other 3 items are bottled water, printer ink and name brand fashion.

Sorry, but to me, having "name brand fashion" on the list is lame. Greeting cards are kind of iffy to me, but I'll agree with the rest of the items on the list.

What would you add to this list?

I'll add electricity as an overpriced item. Why? Because even though my utility company isn't paying more for fuel, isn't building new infrastructure, isn't issuing any bonds to pay for new projects or anything even remotely like that they continue to increase what I have to pay per Kw/h.

Then, they have the brass cojones to announce record profits and claim that it's due to their great "management" and want to talk about how management deserves a raise for the great work they're doing.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quran Burning Church Won't Back Down

For the record, I don't agree with what these guys are doing. I don't believe in burning any kind of books.

I think that it's great that these guys aren't backing down. It's their first amendment right to express themselves in this fashion, so more power to them.

They are constitutionally protected in doing so. Guess who else is constitutionally protected for wanting to build something or another near some other place?

Senegal, A Chinese Economic Colony?

Interesting video about the influx of Chinese immigrants into Senegal. Apparently, the locals aren't happy with the Chinese. Yes, the video was produced by Al Jazeera, get over it.

TSA publishes new posters depicting photographers as terrorists

This is just wrong. Yet another civil liberty we're losing

Dear Windows 7, I figured out why you\'re named so. It\'s because it takes 7 days to upgrade to you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Man Almost Died After Being Attacked By Bees

This attack happened near my house. It's crazy to think that this man almost died after being swarmed by bees.

No one seems to know if it was Africanized bees or not.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Mexico's Susana Martinez the Future Of The GOP?

Here's the money quote in this article:

“You can’t really hate and get away with it in New Mexico,” said Antonio Maestas, a Democratic state representative from Albuquerque. “That’s why it was shocking when she got away with it in the primary."

You shouldn't be able to get away with hate anywhere. You shouldn't be a demagogue. You should clearly state your intentions when you want to get elected into office.

I like that she opposes reviewing the 14th amendment, and I don't necessarily disagree about police checking immigration status of suspects, provided they check EVERYONE'S status.

I don't like her hints of demagoguery.

What else have you got GOP? Seems like all you have are potential demagogues and racists. Not that you're much different from the Democrats in that respect.

Can some party just throw me a bone?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Does It Matter If You're Not a Journalist?

I like how this article addresses this issue. At times, I struggle with the idea of whether I'm a "journalist" or not.

It used to be, that only people that were published in a magazine, or a newspaper were "real" journalists. The rest of us were just "wannabees" or "not good enough to get a job writing for the paper" or the second rung plain and simple "bloggers."

Bottom line, I keep a "journal" which makes me a by default makes me a "journalist." The thing is, that it's more complicated than that.

I like how the article explores the question of "acts of journalism" and whether or not something has "journalistic value." I'll be the first to admit that I hardly ever commit "acts of journalism" and that most of my stuff has little to no "journalistic value" but does that really make it any less important?

What do you think?

Does It Matter If You're Not a Journalist?

I like how this article addresses this issue. At times, I struggle with the idea of whether I'm a "journalist" or not.

It used to be, that only people that were published in a magazine, or a newspaper were "real" journalists. The rest of us were just "wannabees" or "not good enough to get a job writing for the paper" or the second rung plain and simple "bloggers."

Bottom line, I keep a "journal" which makes me a by default makes me a "journalist." The thing is, that it's more complicated than that.

I like how the article explores the question of "acts of journalism" and whether or not something has "journalistic value." I'll be the first to admit that I hardly ever commit "acts of journalism" and that most of my stuff has little to no "journalistic value" but does that really make it any less important?

What do you think?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Woman Sues After Getting Kicked Off Facebook

Apparently, she thinks that she got booted for starting a petition page to get Facebook to increase their friend limit on personal pages to beyond 5000. To me, that dog don't hunt.

There's more to this, lots more, but we're not being told what it is. Regardless, I'm sure in the Facebook TOS there's a clause that this lady broke.

Tigers call up St. Pierre after 978 games in minors

This is a pretty cool story. Having read Seth Godin's "The Dip," it makes me wonder if he should've quit sooner.

Obviously, the payoff for him was not monetary. Still, how many people would keep playing in the minors, getting paid in peanuts, for the off chance to get to go to "the show?"

Check out my Texas sports blog for news about central Texas sports teams.

Dear Mac OS X, I effin love you! From the first moment I saw you, way back when you were but a public beta. I just wanted to mention that.

Why the Neo-Conned Tea Party Movement Used a Harmless NYC Muslim Community Center as a Political Football

I love this article. I have to admit, every time I link to, or say something nice about an Alex Jones article or site, I always feel like my name is getting added to a watch list somewhere.

I love the part where the author says:

the return of the Neo-con faction is in an all out assault against the foundations of our country, the two things which make the United States of America unique in the world, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I also really like that he calls SB1070 "Arizona's racial profiling law" which is one of the names that I've been calling that law. The other name I like to use is "Jim Crow 2.0."

I'm glad to see I'm not the only person that noticed the assault by the neocons on the constitution. Hopefully more people will become aware of the neocon's true agenda.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dear Windows (aka windoze) 7, please take a long walk off a short pier. I hate you. No Love, Me.
I should know better than to do this, but "occupied North Texas" is just hilarious