Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weird Russian Wedding Photos

These photos must all be from the same photographer, or photography studio. They look like they were all shot at the same locations, even though they feature different couples.

Some of the questions I have from looking at these pictures range from "what's the deal with having people be different sizes" to "why os that one bride looking down the grooms pants" all the way to "photoshop much?" and "that's not a very auspicious start, isn't it?"

Regrettable Myspace Photos

This is a sample of the photos on the site. Some have been making the rounds for a while now, but these are ones that I hadn't seen.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rush Limbaugh Calls Michelle Obama Fat

You know, if this were in a movie or a TV show, the writers would cut it out of the final draft because it's just too absurd and surreal and no one would believe it. Unfortunately, life is not a TV show, so this really happened.

I'm not a fan of Rush Limbaugh (surprised, right?) but this really takes the cake and elevates his stupidity to another level.

I'm reminded of a line from that movie "Snatch:"

You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity" - Bullet-Tooth Tony.

Next, Rush will start talking smack about people addicted to Oxycontin and other drugs. After that, he'll start up on how having your house maid go out and score drugs for you is bad for the economy.

Fake Guru James Ray On Trial For Manslaughter

Looks like the trial of James "Death" Ray is underway. He's the fake guru/conman on trial for orchestrating a sweat lodge ceremony where 3 people died.

Obviously, he plead "not guilty" which semantically isn't the same as "innocent" but that's a whole other story.

I say he's a fake and a conman because his whole schtick is about "creating wealth" and creating the "life that you want" or some such bull. However, during pre-trial motions, his attorneys claimed that Death Ray is not a wealthy man at all, that he was broke and barely making it.

Mind you, Death Ray presented himself as a wealthy and youthful person that could "teach you the way to wealth" etc. Ray was one of the prominent people featured in the mockumentary scammy sales video "The Secret" and was also pimped hard by Oprah. So, on the surface, it looked like he was making the money that he claimed.

Turns out he wasn't.

Turns out, according to court papers, the guy is broke as a joke. Maybe all the money is hidden offshore to avoid paying taxes, which to me, really only makes it worse. But the guy is broke.

He was also taking a lot of supplements like testosterone, hgh, a slew of vitamins and other medications to keep up his "youthful" appearance. Even that was fake.

Turns out, that Ray's only "guru" training came from selling AT&T services to people in seminars. Turns out, other than being good at scamming money out of people, Ray has no qualifications to do anything at all.

So, I'm glad he's getting his day in court.

I pray that the families of Kirby Brown, Liz Neuman and James Shore get some kind of closure by seeing the man responsible for the deaths of their loved ones being put on trial for his actions.

Here's a link where you can learn more about James Ray. Be warned there is a lot of off color language on that site.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Polyamory Is Wrong

I love this shirt. I'm not sure how I ended up on that guy's site, but I thought the slogan on the shirt was hilarious.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Stand with Planned Parenthood

You know, Planned Parenthood is in many cases, the only health care option available to many Americans. Planned Parenthood provides cancer screening, HIV testing, and pre-natal care in the communities that it serves.

Yes, Planned Parenthood does provide termination of pregnancy services, but did you know that less than 3% of it's budget goes to termination of pregnancies? The republican congress wants to cut off all federal funding to PP because of 3% of PP's budget.

Show your support for planned parenthood by filling out the petition below.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Object lesson from -> Nokia's CEO demonstrates true leadership: Drop The Rah-Rah & Tell It Like It Is

Good leadership is hard to find.

While this story is about a huge technology company, the lessons for #leadership should be considered by all. Even as a solopreneur, you are in a sense exerting leadership over yourself.

Can you tell yourself the truth?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Catholic Church Approves iPhone App

The catholic church has given its blessings to an iPhone app that guides you through a confession. I'm sure there's an episode of "Family Guy" or something in here.

So, the catholic church will approve an iPhone app, but won't approve condoms for contraception or to prevent the spread of STDs. Awesome stuff.

Way to go Ratz! Way to stay up with the times.

I also like that the church has determined that using social networking sites is not a sin. I feel so much better about spending time on Facebook now.

Do you think the church would approve an iPhone app that lets people report sexual abuse by priests?

The app would tell you to shut up and think about the good of the church, then it would recommend that you change parish but it won't actually send the report anywhere. The report would just be deleted as soon as it's submitted.

Something tells me, the church would not approve.

Cool Jobs That Don't Pay Much

I came across this list and noticed something interesting. The original article features 25 people that love what they do, but out of the 25, 4 of them are photographers and 1 of them is a driver.

Interestingly, there was a linked article that talked about the most lucrative careers, and none of the careers that people "love" to do are on the list.

I guess, you can make a lot of money, or love what you do but you can't do both.

Maybe not quite that simple, but maybe it is that simple.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

15 States Want To Pass Arizona Style Immigration Laws

In further proof that you don't have to be particularly smart to serve in a state legislature, 15 states are currently working on passing Arizona style immigration laws.

Why do I say that these people are stupid? There's this thing called the US Constitution, I'm sure you've heard of it.

The Constitution says (Article VI, Clause 2) states cannot individually create their own laws that supersede federal laws. There's also the question of whether or not state and local law enforcement has the authority to enforce federal laws. By the way, they don't.

There's that little thing, then there's the other problem.

The other problem is that these laws will invariably lead to more racial profiling. The only people that will be targeted by these laws, are brown people that speak with an accent.

The people in the state senates mentioned below are merely pandering, scapegoating, obfuscating and engaging in demagoguery while ignoring the real issues and real problems that we face in this country.

Has anyone else noticed the deficit? Has anyone else noticed the constant budget shortfalls? Has anyone else noticed how much they've cut from education budgets?

I guess none of that is as important.

I'm guessing, it's far more palatable for legislators to say that illegal immigrants are taking away all the jobs and benefits (they're not) than it is for legislators to say that the reason we're so screwed is due to their own ineptitude and mismanagement coupled with the general population's complacency.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011