Saturday, January 29, 2011


Seriously, who came up with this idea? This late in the game, they are still trying to rent out this mansion in Dallas. They are targeting a high end clientele, yet their marketing material is, shall we say, "lacking?"

I think that "lacking" is the most polite way to say it since they still haven't rented the place out.

The brochure that they put together for the mansion, is nothing more than a MS Word document, with virtually no formatting, printed to PDF.

Methinks the nouveau riche people that would want to rent out the house for $300k, would at least expect an MS Publisher document or something like that.

Sheeshmon, you couldn't think to download a preview copy of InDesign and use that to design the brochure?

I recommend the agent trying to rent out this place watch a couple of episodes of "Selling New York" so she can get an idea of how to put together a marketing package for high end customers.

Here's the link to the brochure so you can see what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Does Your State Suck At?

I love the Utah has the highest use of porn of any other state. Oh the irony.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pictures of North Korea

I've never been to North Korea, but from these pictures it looks like it's a place that time forgot. It looks like everything, except for the military, is falling apart.

Well, those fake tank rock sculptures might prove otherwise as far as the military not falling apart point goes.

Planetary map of the Star Wars universe

I like the concept, I don't know how right this thing is. To begin with, why would the princess Amidala head towards Tatooine when there are other planets that are both further out and closer in? Also, Tatooine doesn't seem to be so far out of the way either.

Maybe it's just the fact that this is a 2-d map that makes things looks closer than they should.

Yes, I'm a geek.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

50 States Of Food

For the most part, I agree with their designations, except for Tennessee, North Carolina and a couple more.

How off base do you think this map is?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 No Pants Subway Ride Pictures

I'm glad to see that everyone appears to have worn clean underwear. Maybe even new underwear, which is even better. I think this whole event would have had a different feel to it if everyone had worn dirty drawers.

Yes, that's how my mind operates.

Friday, January 7, 2011

At least 15 reasons why you can't call yourself an Entrepreneur

I found this to be both amusing and entertaining.

Can you call yourself an Entrepreneur after reading this list?

This was a great read and boy did it it home. If you are an entrepreneur what can you add to the list? I

If you are not an entrepreneur, do not let this scare you.

If it does don't be an entrepreneur?

Pierre Rattini, CCO
BiZ BuZZ MeDia,
Social Media Marketing and Mobile Marketing

Fat Man To Sue NHS For Letting Him Get Fat

I saw this guy on TV the other day and he's a whiny crying little bitch. He got fat on his own. I don't see how the NHS is responsible for him putting 20,000 calories a day into his fat mouth.

"Ride your bike more" seems like a reasonable recommendation to get more exercise. Seeing a dietician also seems reasonable for figuring out what to eat.

This guy has no job, and gets round the clock care from a nurse that the NHS pays for. He lives by, and thanks to, sucking on the state teet and he has the gall to want to sue.

Take some responsibility Paul, you ate the food, you got fat. NHS didn't let you get fat, you did that to yourself.

70 stone is 980 lbs (444 kg). Paul got a gastric bypass, paid for by NHS, and is now down to "only" 37 stone aka 518 lbs, aka 235 kg.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stunning Eye Photographs

This is a really cool concept. I love the lighting in the shots. I never would have imagined that eyes had such beautiful and complex structure to them.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Ruins of Detroit

I love photographs of abandoned buildings. There's just a certain something about the lighting, the fact the building is abandoned and the rest of the mystique of the location that I enjoy.

Detroit seems to be the place to be for photographing grand and abandoned buildings.