Friday, October 29, 2010

Top 10 Greatest Collaborative Moments Between Microsoft And Apple

This list was put together by a dude a Techrepublic. I don't know that these are necessarily the top 10 as much as they are THE 10 times that Microsoft and Apple have collaborated.

Seriously, can you think of a time, other than these 10? I don't know that Office 2004/2008 for Mac counts as a separate collaboration since they'd been releasing an "Office for Mac" product for years.

I won't count the time when Microsoft stole the concept of a GUI based OS from Apple who stole it from Xerox, since that was technically not collaborating.

BBC News - Fast Track - On board the Airbus A380

Great quick video about the Airbus A380. In case you haven't noticed, I'm an aviation geek.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ignorance Is More Than Bliss, It's Chic

I love this article. It pretty much explains the rise of many reality TV shows which in turn explains the rise of The Ignorants of the Tea Party.

US Army Medic Donates Holocaust Diary To Museum

This is an amazing story. The soldier's name is Tony Acevedo, and he is the son of illegal immigrants.

He volunteered to serve during WWII, was captured during the Battle of the Bulge and was held prisoner in a slave labor camp. While in the camp, he continued his duties as an army medic and documented what he saw.

He documented deaths, documented how they were treated, documented what they were forced to do. He is the first person of Mexican American heritage to register as a survivor at the Holocaust Museum.

This man is a hero and should be treated as such.

Top 10 Most Retweeted Twitter Users According To

Here are the top 3, for your amusment:

1. justinbieber—294,205 retweets
2. YouConfessarQue—183,437 retweets
3. LevanteaMao—95,255 retweets

#2 above translates into "I confess that" and #3 translates to "Raise your hand if."

It goes downhill from there. None of the "twitterati" like Scoble, Arrington, Brogan etc. are on the list of most retweeted. By a long shot.

Seems like the best way to get retweeted a lot, is to be a tween idol of some kind, be a fictional character or talk about something of dubious moral qualities.

Such is the price of fame.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rio's Favelas As Seen Through A Camera Lens

Pedro Lobo is a Brazilian photojournalist that's been working to document the favelas of Rio. He looks at the structures that people create and tries to establish what the structure says about the people that created it.

His work is currently on exhibit at the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art and College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. You can see more of his work on the favelas and their architecture on his personal website.

US Servicemen Flipping The North Koreans Off

I love this picture. To me, it embodies the saying "a picture is worth 1000 words." The servicemen told the North Koreans that the gesture was a Hawaiian good luck sign.

The North Koreans bought it. Hook, line and sinker. At least until Time magazine, in their infinite wisdom, explained what the gesture really meant in one of their articles.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Arpaio Gives Sarah Palin Some Pink Underwear

Someone on twitter said that Palin can't expect to "go rogue" forever.

Come to think of it, I'm surprised to learn that there's a group that thinks that the Tea Party is "too liberal." I'd probably support a group that came out and said that the Tea party is "too stupid" but alas, there is no such thing.

Since I know that you want to see the hubub, here's the link to the Arpaio provided picture.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Spiderman "Swings"

On the one hand, methinks they took the whole Spiderman thing a tad too far. On the other, I think they did it just right.

Mexican College Student Made Police Chief

She's not worried about getting killed and will not carry a gun. Dunno if it's valor or stupidity on her behalf. In any case, I wish her the best of luck.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

O'Donnell Doesn't Know The Constitution

Like most of the tea baggers I've seen and heard of, Christine O'Donnell seems to have no clue about what the Constitution says or what it means.

The first amendment of the bill of rights establishes the separation of church and state.

Here's the first amendment of the bill of rights:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The phrase "separation of church and state" was first used by Thomas Jefferson and it is used in reference to the passage above. Although the phrase "separation of church and state" is not in the constitution, the first amendment establishes the separation in its language.

Just made up a stupid song. Sing this to the tune of "Trogdor the burninator:" "Server Administratooooor, changinating the server, changinating permissions, changinating all the server.... Server warns of dangers, but he does it anywayyyyyyy cuz he's the Server Administratoooooooooor."Here's the tune, in case you need it:OK, yes, I think I'm losing it.
Do the French ever work? Seems like they're always on strike. I don't get it. They, work 30 hours a week, get a mandatory 30 day vacation a year, among other things and they're still not happy. What are they complaining about now? That they have to buy their own baguettes and coffee in the mornings?

Iranian Jets Being Denied Fuel In Europe

Looks like some western oil companies are refusing to sell fuel to Iranian jets in Europe. If I recall correctly, the sanctions against Iran have a provision that says something about any company that does business with Iran could potentially be liable/ be open to sanctions as well.

Looks like western companies are taking the threat seriously and are not selling aviation fuel to the Iranian flagship airline. Interesting.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Immigration Authorities Looking For Frauds Through Social Media

Pretty much the same principle as if you were to throw something out in the trash. It becomes public information that can, and apparently will, be used against you.

We already knew they looked through social media for people since that's how they've found several fugitives, but here you have it.

Chilean Flag Instead Of Texas Flag On Some Ballots

This is just plain silly, in a Monty Python sort of way. Apparently, the folks in Atascosa county Texas had been using the Chile flag on their absentee ballots for years before anyone noticed. It took a Texan living in Japan to notice that the wrong flag was on the ballot.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Shoot Pictures Of Airplanes In Flight

This is a really cool article about shooting pictures of airplanes for magazine covers and advertising prints. It turns out, that the best platform to shoot pictures of planes from is a B-25 Mitchell bomber.

The writer says that he gets into the tail gunner position on a B-25 harnesses in and then takes his shots. Not quite the kind of shooting at planes that the designers had in mind, but it's good to know that they're still using the position on the plane for something.

Here's a picture of the tail gunner position from my flickr page:

B-25 Tail Gunner Position

21 Sexy Rooftop Pools

You'll have to click through to see the pictures of the pools. Some of them are spectacular, some are old school but all of them look great. Thanks to Monica for the heads up!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SXSW Buys Downtown Austin Building

It's not a bad spot for them to be at. Hopefully, my little Google Maps embed will work:

View Larger Map

Job Application, Hunter S. Thompson Style

Grips you from the opening sentence to the end. This is most of the letter, as it was printed in the future buzz.

I think that my next job application letter is going to be written in this same style.

I'm Making A Guest Appearance!

I'll be on this show later today! Make sure you tune in to watch and ask me any questions you have about streaming media and videography!

Hide My Ass! Free Proxy and Privacy Tools - Surf The Web Anonymously

Love the url

Monday, October 11, 2010

PETA Ad Banned From Airports

I like to think the reason the ad was banned is due to peta being a terrorist organization that supports fire bombing university research labs and harbors arsonists. Or maybe the ads got banned because peta has a large euthanization facility at their headquarters in Virginia and are therefore a bunch of hypocrits with a holier than thou attitude.

The Giant Word: Why I'm Scared Of Christine O'Donnel

I like this video, I don't necessarily like the guy's voice, but I like what he says.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

.ly Domains Must Now Comply With Sharia Law

Apparently, the Libyan government has started ceasing ,ly domains that are not in compliance with Sharia law in Libya. Two things came to mind when I read that.

1. Is Sharia law different in each muslim country?
2. The people that use (and the people that own) and may have some issues moving forward.

Here's my bonus:

3. WTF????

Seems to me that the Libyan government is full of depraved assholes that want to impose their shite laws on everyone else. It may well be within their right to restrict who can register domains in their country and what the domains are used for, but it's still bullshit.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Penn & Teller on Self Help

I love these guys. I used to hate them, but now I love'em. All 3 parts of the episode are on my blog.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dutch MP Geert Wilders Goes On Trial

This is a tough issue for me. I lived in Holland for a number of years, and know the country to be a great place to live. I love Dutch society and how tolerant and open it is.

From what I know of the Koran, MP Wilders has a valid point in wanting to limit the Koran's influence on Dutch society. I don't necessarily agree with his methods, but I definitely agree with what he's trying to do.

I don't feel that he has incited any hatred of anything.

I feel that MP Wilders has done nothing but point out the beliefs and the writings in the Koran for all to see. If anything, MP Wilders has been proselytizing about the Koran for years.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How To Choose An Android Phone

There are too many choices when it comes to Android phones. I love this chart because of it's simplicity.